AuschwitzPage 1234 | BirkenauPage 123 | Other | Plaszów Kraków |
Living barrack for prisoners. These were previously horse stables. These barracks, originally intended for 52 horses, were filled with more than 400 men. "Ten of us got together on top of my bunk.
Understand that in order to do this, a population shift had to take
place. In other words, there couldn't be more than ten or twelve
people on a bunk, so my mother had to leave and a few other people.
My sister stayed and we invited those who wanted to participate
with us. On top of my bunk we decided to remember this moment, remember
this time. So we composed a song. Neither of us knew music, but
we enjoyed singing. We all spoke, had one common language among
us and we spoke other languages too. We chose Hungarian, since that,
every one of us knew. Since we were not musicians we chose a melody
that we all knew as well. So all we had to really do is come up
with the words. We had no pencil and no paper. Each time we composed
a line, we sang that line, over and over again. And then we'd compose
the second line and so on, until we had, I forget, about four verses,
thirteen lines all together. With each line we would go back to
the beginning and we would sing. And this happened for a few days.
We sang other melodies that we knew."