AuschwitzPage 1234 | BirkenauPage 123 | Other | Plaszów Kraków |
Ul. Jerozolimska, no.3: This solitary, incongruous two storey villa is known as the 'grey house', where notoriously brutal SS men lived while the camp was in existence: "SS men Hujar, Zdrojewski, Lansdorfer, Ekert and Glaser...and in the cellar was a prison - no ordinary one but an underground torture chamber. Whoever was delivered into the expert grip of this establishment never left it under their own steam" (Bau, Czas zbeszczeszczenia, p.127). Ul. Heltman, which is an extension of Ul. Jerozolimska, was known in the camp's time as SS-strasse. On it were the houses of German officers including camp commandant Amon Goeth's villa. Then it was known as Bergenstrasse and ran through the centre of the camp.